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Katharine Tiernan is a writer and nature-lover. She grew up close to the dramatic coastline of North Northumberland and continues to draw inspiration from its history and landscape. Katharine writes fiction, both short stories and novels. Her novel Cuthbert of Farne, the first of her north-east trilogy, was published by Sacristy Press in March 2019 followed by Place of Repose and A New Heaven and a New Earth. She has recently completed a new novel, Star of the Sea, based on the C18 history of her family. Star of the Sea is out now.
Katharine lives between two rivers in the Scottish Borders
Contemplating Nature: a writing workshop at Paxton House June 29th
Details / booking here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/contemplating-nature-tickets-899021406227?aff=oddtdtcreator
My Blog
On location
It was a thrill to spend an afternoon at Cresswell Pele Tower, setting for much of 'Star of the Sea'. Thanks to an inspirational comunity archeology project the once-derelict building has been superbly restored - .see here: www.cresswellpeletower.org.uk.. It was a...
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Email: enquiries@sacristy.co.uk
Email: kmtiernan@gmail.com
Tel: +44 (0)191 303 8 313